Sunday, 1 December 2019


Rapiers and pistols are their favorites. They are not only proficient in attacking enemies from a distance but also shooting multiple targets. They are the only class who can equip shields for bonus defense. Experience helps them grab more stuff from enemies, but only half PK points will be received. The Fire Taoists are able to learn a wide selection of devastating skills and magic, and proved to be the most dangerous magic-users. game conquer tahyees

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However, Trojans have low defense compared to Warriors, so have to be careful when taking on mobs of enemies, as they can be overpowered by numerous opponents.

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The Fire Taoists are able to learn a wide selection of devastating skills and magic, and proved to be the most dangerous magic-users.

Rapiers and pistols are their favorites. The chances of the items being dropped from inventory will be doubled when Pirates kill someone. With advantages in range attacks and special abilities on recovery and Stamina share, they will become the best teammate in combat. Experience helps them grab more stuff from enemies, but only half PK points will be received. Because of this, they excel as born hunters and power levelers.

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Water Taoists are the height of spiritual enlightenment, and have lower requirements for tahyeea quests such as rebirth as their wisdom is like a shortcut in experience. As an innovation versionCO team has provided unprecedented gameplay in it. They are not only proficient in attacking enemies from a distance but also shooting multiple targets.

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The warriors are adept tahyeds the use of weapons and always wearing heaviest armors. Striving to be kind and selfless, the Monk order has been engaging in devotional meditation for thousands of years.

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The significant recovery of HP and Stamina allows Windwalker to fight much longer in combat. A mysterious figure, cloaked in shadow.

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Ninjas start out as Interns and don't graduate as a qualified Ninja until level It's a sacred class of strong spiritual powers and fighting abilities. Credit Rebate will Start on September 26th.

They're the most loyal followers of martial arts, holding Nunchaku tightly and fighting in a free style. But on the other hand, when they get killed, the chances are doubled as well. Archers are the ones who struggle with bows to be the masters of them. As you reach certain comquer, you'll be promoted and win higher titles! Monks and Saints have deep understanding in both physical and spiritual world!

Chaser, excelling in ranged combat, has powerful AOE skill to deal damage over a larger range without a miss and brilliant counterattack skill, as well as unique passive recovery skill. Also, they will only get 5 PK points per kill, vice versa. That is Oriental Assassin! The ninja is an expert of stealth, specialized in guerrilla warfare. Pirates are coming on their ships; rapiers and pistols are their weapons.

Wielding their dual weapons, they charge fearlessly into combat. Through meditation and contemplation, Monk and Saints can also bring many helpful influences to their allies.

This allows them to study a range of magic skills which can heal, cure or revive others. The Trojan is an all-out offensive melee combat class. Archer can transform into an Oriental Assassin, after being promoted at Level 40!

Abundant rewards await you! They always try to maintain the separation from the outside world, to keep their focus on achieving enlightenment and higher states of being. Nobody knows where these mysterious pirates come from. Prayer Beads are their weapon.

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